Exercise Gallery
Dumbbells' Squat, Straight Leg Raise Opposite Arm Punch
Dumbbells' Squat, Straight Leg Raise Opposite Arm Punch
Compound exercise, gradually increasing the heart rate and circulation; this will loosen the joints and increase blood flow to the muscles.
Sumo Squat, Chest Press, Heel Raise
Squat Chest Press, Split Lunge Jump, Russian Twist
Single Leg Pass Kettlebell Under Knee, Around Waist, Hallo's
Deep Squat, Hammer Biceps Curls, Bend Over Rows
Deep Squat, Hammer Biceps Curls, Bend Over Rows
Curtesy Squat, Straight Arm Raise
Curtesy Squat, Straight Arm Raise
Crunch Dumbell Hammer Curls, Shulder Press
Crunch Dumbell Hammer Curls, Shulder Press
Bear Crawl Rows
Bear Crawl Rows
Plank, Front & Lateral Raise
Plank, Front & Lateral Raise
Kneeling Flyies
Kneeling Flyies
Lateral Lunge, Frontal Lounge, Pyramid Hold
Plank, Knee Tuck to Leg raise
Back Curve, Hips, Chest, Neck, Stretch
Ankle, Tibialis Stretch